by Lucinda | Jun 14, 2018 | The Anointed Woman
She is the expression of the Divine embodied as woman. The woman who creates her life as the highest potential for her unfurling. She is multifaceted as the expressions of creation Herself. She is defined by her actions to bring light to her dreams. As she receives...
by Lucinda | Mar 19, 2018 | Empowerment, Visibility
Yesterday in the late afternoon at the dog-friendly end of the beach, I inquired to the two ladies approaching, “What kind of dog is that?” about the little wiry cute thing bouncing around them. The woman facing me turned towards her friend, “I...
by Lucinda | Jan 30, 2017 | Empowerment
What if you wouldn’t be so judgmental or critical of yourself anymore? What if you wouldn’t need others or their opinions to feel liked? What if instead you could respond more compassionately to your mistakes? We are often great at validating others, being forgiving...
by Lucinda | Oct 15, 2016 | Branding
There is truth that your audience is judging your book by it’s cover, whether we want to admit it or not. We can’t help it — as humans we are simply visually-inclined. The visual translates to thinking which in turn effects our judgement of whether something is...
by Lucinda | Aug 16, 2016 | Visibility
It takes a lot of courage to be seen in all our glory when we build or uplevel a website or personal brand. Each of us often has one or more “boulders” that can get in the way of putting ourselves out there more, or being more visible. I’ve compiled what I have found...